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Webhook and Source's Callback URLs

Do I need to implement Webhook for GCash/GrabPay if I am using the Source Callback URLs?

Two really important yet lacking features in PayMongo.

I really hope you fellas consider this because there are so many applications for these features. I'm 100% sure a lot of people had to drop PayMongo for PayPal or for some other service out there that supports these. I'm dead serious when I say that the lack of these features is what stopping PayMongo from being the de facto payment gateway in the PH.


API documentation on over the counter payments



How can i implement / call 3ds authentication page?

How can i implement / call 3ds authentication page? based from the documentation i need to iframe it. any idea on what should i do first?


Support for Foreign Credit/Debit Cards

Hi there, do Paymongo support International Credit / Debit Card? I'm planning to make a product soon that will be charging customers from all over the globe.


What programming language can I use to integrate with PayMongo's API?


Where can I hire developers to help me with integration?


GCash and GrabPay Account verification

How does PayMongo verify the GCash and GrabPay account of the customers of our product ?


Provide Mobile number Gcash Live data mode

Hello just wanted to ask how is the process when in live data mode for inputting mobile number for gcash payment?


webhook signature error

Hello, I'm trying the webhook in paymongo by using the spatie/laravel-webhook-client but unfortunately i got the error of signature exception.
I did generate the secret_key. by the way I used ngrok to public my link.