Da wae
Help me find da wae
Gcash redirection tab for payment confirmation not working in safari browser
Chargeable payment window for Gcash is not showing or working in safari specially in mobile. Chrome and other browser are working. Only safari is not working. How can resolve this issues on safari?
Manual Capture (How to be whitelisted)
{"errors":[{"code":"organization_not_allowed","detail":"Manual capture is not available for this organization.","source":{"pointer":"capture_type","attribute":"capture_type"}}]}
Payment Method availability
Hi. Is there a way to retrieve a list of payment methods available in Paymongo? Will there be scenarios where a specific payment method such as Gcash, Maya, or Grabpay is unavailable? Thanks.
Recurring Payments
Test Account, Can't passed events to webhooks URL
When the status will be chargeable, the event didn't passed to my hooks URL, Is there any idea out there on how to configure it?
how to know what error code to credit card after jumping to test.sources using php
hi paymongo team,
400 Bad Request api (`POST https://api.paymongo.com/v1/sources` resulted in a `400 Bad Request`),({"errors":[{"code":"invalid_payload_format","detail":"attributes cannot be blank."}]})
on PHP
POST https://api.paymongo.com/v1/sources
resulted in a 400 Bad Request
on TypeScript of Javascript
{"errors":[{"code":"invalid_payload_format","detail":"attributes cannot be blank."}]}
Do you have plugin for wix?
Do you have plugin for wix? if none, how can i integrate payment in my wix website?
How to Fetch Payment ID in G-cash payment API
Hello I'm trying to create a g-cash payment method in my website, I want to fetch the payment id in my data based.