Paymongo on Wix
Will Paymongo work on Wix?
Server and Client encryption
Paymongo is only server side payment? I need to encrypt the information of the card from client side to send to the server side and from the server create the payment with pay mongo?
Trying to create a source in live server but its always getting 500 error but when i tried in local host it is working
Idempotency Tokens
Is this planned or do you have any other workarounds on approaching this with PayMongo API?
Why Callback is not coming .Please reply
Hi Paymongo Team,
Integrate with PaidMembershipPro
How to integrate Paymongo with Paidmembershippro? Thanks
Hi guys,
next_action is null on test mode
Creating a Payment Intent:
When using the live keys, next_action is present and has a redirect object with return_url and url properties. When using the test keys, next_action is null. How can I test the redirects of users when using test keys?
Paymongo not accepting my payment
I am trying to pay with my wellsfargo visa credit card through paymongo for a transaction in the philippines, but it keeps on giving a message that this payment type is not accepted, try a different payment method or credit card. I have sufficient fund and there is no issue with the bank institution here...
Android Studio Integration
Is there a tutorial on how to integrate the PayMongo on Android Studio?