How to test gcash test env?
We are in SG not having gcash our app support gcash how to test?
Paymongo not accepting my payment
I tried using 3 credit cards and a debit card. Paymongo messaged "The card type used is not allowed. Please use another card or try a different payment method." I'm in US and have ordered with CC successfully to this store before. So before I complain to the store why they are losing legitimate orders and business I want to give Paymongo an opportunity to fix this in a timely manner.
Send To One - API Wallet Bank Codes
Where should I be able to see the list of bank codes I can attach to my transfer - List of bank codes
PayMongo API - Webhooks Not Firing for Refunds?
Hi PayMongo Developers,
Making my payment method saved for Customer
I am trying to create a subscription using the Subscriptions API. I need to be able to save all the payment methods that the user has. These will be used for two purposes: Express checkout (automatically inputting the card details) and changing the Payment Method of a Subscription.
Creating a checkout url for Subscription
Upon reviewing the documentations, it seems that I need to manually fill the required details for subscription through the client or server (e.g. Card Details). However, I want the user to type the details on the PayMongo website directly like creating a checkout session.
Help Needed with Webhook Setup for Payment Verification
Hi everyone,
Issues with Integrating PayMongo API for Subscription Payments
Hello everyone,
Combining Recurring and Non Recurring Payment
I have a client who have two products: 1) a product that can only be paid through a subscription-based payment or recurring payment, 2) a product that can only be paid one time or a non recurring payment.
What package I can use for Laravel Integration?
What package I can use for Laravel Integration?