secrey key setup on postman
im running payments but i got this error
Is there a way to reuse payment method?
Integration with Angular
Is this possible to integrate with Angular?
502 Bad Gateway in Create Payment Method
Even using this, https://developers.paymongo.com/reference#create-a-paymentmethod, 502 bad gateway still occurs.
React Native Supported
Is Paymongo supported by React-Native, specifically for accepting gcash and credit card payments? Thank you!
Which Debit/Credit types are supported
Hi, I would like to know which type of cards does paymongo supports aside from Visa and Mastercard?
Invalid Payload Format when creating Payment Intents
I am trying to create a payment intent using the api reference guide but the response I am getting is status code 400 with error details
Trying to create a source but its always getting 500 error
I keep getting this error when creating a source and doesn't show what is wrong with my request.
Can't disable a webhook
I am trying to disable a webhook, however I am getting the following error:
PHP-SDK for Server side
Where can I find the sample code for PHP version? I'm looking for it from documentation but there's no PHP language there.