Need help in generating webhook signature from source.chargeable event request
Header received in a request...
"Paymongo-Signature": "t=1620901532,te=0c6fcee4abf200e6b8858c2b6fc5f773c3920e1087f9cb4c4d67d4c7212dbe7d,li=",
Are modals required for 3D Secure Authentication?
sample code
Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:3000" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
I have created the modal that shows the paymongo interface/iframe for payment but it's not possible to interact with it because of CORS message.
Recurring Payments
Payout API
Hi guys,
Cannot Create Webhook | Error: secret_key_required
Just want to ask why I can't create a webhook.
Webhook still on "resource_processing_state" 1 hour after the payment source is not authorized
I'm trying to update my test webhook but it always return "resource_processing_state" but the payment source I have created is more than 1 hour.
webhook signature error
Hello, I'm trying the webhook in paymongo by using the spatie/laravel-webhook-client but unfortunately i got the error of signature exception.
I did generate the secret_key. by the way I used ngrok to public my link.
400 Bad Request api (`POST https://api.paymongo.com/v1/sources` resulted in a `400 Bad Request`),({"errors":[{"code":"invalid_payload_format","detail":"attributes cannot be blank."}]})
on PHP
POST https://api.paymongo.com/v1/sources
resulted in a 400 Bad Request
on TypeScript of Javascript
{"errors":[{"code":"invalid_payload_format","detail":"attributes cannot be blank."}]}