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Why is my Webhook to Endpoint not Receiving an Event?

Webhook already created and its not Receiving Event direct on my api endpoint.
My url is accessible and when I test using Postman, it works.

No webhook received using live mode or endpoint not triggered

Good day, we're creating a website that uses Paymongo pages. When we test using Postman, it works, but when we try to pay in live mode using Paymongo pages, we don't receive the webhook or trigger our endpoint. Are there any steps to determine the problem?; how to know if paymongo has already sent the webhook?


Livemode Webhook

Hi it is possible and no conflict if I create another webhook in Live mode since the payment process was different. First and current payment was on WordPress and the other one was on payment page on paymongo because we're ongoing development and rebuild our website and wordpress should not be use in the future.


Can the webhook's destination URL be direct to api endpoint on the aws server public ip addres?

Can I use my local endpoint from aws server public ip address when registering a webhook? like can I use http://localhost:3000?


Failing test payment for GCash/GrabPay with unexpected behaviors

We are trying to migrate GCash/GrabPay workflow from Sources to the new Payment Intent workflow. We have noticed that after attaching the payment method to the payment intent and redirected to the sandbox page, if you try to click on Fail Test Payment button, the payment intent status becomes awaiting_next_action instead of becoming awaiting_payment_method which is the usual behavior for other payment mthods.

Union Bank authorization unsuccessful

Hi. I've been trying to integrate UB as one of our payment channels in our app, but after logging in and clicking "Authorize" and "Pay", it returns "Access token is invalid or expired".


Status return

How do I get a return from the payment status in Mobile, since I redirect the customer using the link provided by the Paymongo for the payments. I need the return value so if the customer proceeded the payment or cancelled/exited. Or do I need to use the retrieve a link/get link by reference and just wait to get the status? Seems a bit repetitive if so.

Blocked a frame with origin "http://localhost:3000" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

I have created the modal that shows the paymongo interface/iframe for payment but it's not possible to interact with it because of CORS message.

API for Pages

There is a function in the dashboard where you can create a page and customers can use that to pay.
How can I create a page dynamically using api?

Gonna ask if it is a viable request for educational/thesis purpose only

May I ask if we are able to use this payment gateway Api platform to develop a website with similar transactions made like Kickstarter, although ours focuses mainly on IT projects and similar prospects (Gaming, IoT, and etc.)