Wallet Transaction Resource


This is an early access feature.

If you would like your account to be configured, please contact support@paymongo.com

    "data": {
        "id": "wallet_tr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "type": "wallet_transaction",
        "attributes": {
            "wallet_id": "wallet_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "amount": 1000,
            "currency": "PHP",
            "description": null,
            "livemode": true,
            "net_amount": 2000,
            "purpose": null,
            "provider": "pesonet",
            "provider_error": "no such account with receiver_account_number xxx" ,
            "provider_error_code": "resource_not_found",
            "batch_transaction_id": "batch_tr_xxx",
            "receiver": {
                "bank_account_name": "Juan Dela Cruz",
                "bank_account_number": "000000000000",
                "bank_code": "UBPHPHMMXXX",
                "bank_id": "001",
                "bank_name": "UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES"
            "reference_number": "Q3XLMYkRvn4gaGc6da2P",
            "sender": {
                "bank_account_name": "PayMongo Test",
                "bank_account_number": "000000000000",
                "bank_code": "PAEYPHM2XXX",
                "bank_id": "001",
                "bank_name": "PAYMONGO PAYMENTS INC"
            "status": "pending",
            "type": "send_money",
            "transfer_id": "tr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "created_at": 1689135580,
            "updated_at": 1689135580

data.id string
Unique ID of the resource.

data.attributes.amount integer
Amount of the transaction

data.attributes.provider_error string

data.attributes.provider_error_code string

data.attributes.batch_transaction_id string

data.attributes.receiver dictionary

bank_account_nameBank account name holder used to transfer the amount to
bank_account_numberBank account number used to transfer the amount to
bank_codeCurrent possible value: pesonet
bank_idBank ID used in the transaction
bank_nameName of the bank used in the transaction

data.attributes.sender dictionary

bank_account_nameTreasury account name
bank_account_numberTreasury account number
bank_codeCurrent possible value: pesonet
bank_idBank ID used in the transaction
bank_nameName of the bank used in the transaction

data.attributes.livemode boolean

Determines whether or not the wallet account is a test or live mode account. The account is live and uses real money when livemode is true, and otherwise, it is in test mode when false.

data.attributes.status string
Status of the transaction

Possible values:
pending - initial status
succeeded - sent to the respected bank account
failed - unable to transfer fund

data.attributes.type string
Defines if the transaction is credit or debit to the wallet

Possible values:

data.attributes.transfer_id string
ID from creating the transfer

data.attributes.created_at date
Created date of the wallet transaction

data.attributes.updated_at date
Updated date of the wallet transaction