With Subscriptions, customers make recurring payments for access to a product. Subscriptions require you to retain more information about your customers than one-time purchases because you need to charge them in the future.
This is an early access feature.
If you would like your account to be configured, please contact support@paymongo.com
"id": "subs_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"type": "subscription",
"attributes": {
"cancellation_reason": null,
"customer_id": "cus_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"default_customer_payment_method_id": "cus_pm_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"latest_invoice": {
"id": "inv_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "PHP",
"due_date": "2023-08-01",
"payment_intent": {
"id": "pi_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"status": "succeeded"
"status": "paid"
"livemode": true,
"next_billing_schedule": "2023-09-01",
"id": "plan_dQsAFCwcrfL7WTJL6Wcv769Q",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "PHP",
"cycle_count": 5,
"description": "Test plan without metadata",
"interval": "monthly",
"interval_count": 1,
"name": "Basic Plan",
"created_at": 1699585219,
"updated_at": 1699585219,
"setup_intent": {
"id": "pi_CbFCTDfxvMFNjwjVi26Uzhtj",
"last_setup_error": "Expired card.",
"next_action_url": "http://provider/authenticate/something",
"status": "awaiting_next_action"
"status": "active",
"cancelled_at": null,
"created_at": 23432432,
"updated_at": 23432432,
id string
Unique ID of the resource.
type string
Represents the resource type. Value is always subscription.
anchor_date date
The date of the first payment, where the next billing schedules will be referenced. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
cancellation_reason string
Reason why the subscription was canceled. Possible values are too_expensive, missing_features, switched_service, unused, or other.
customer_id string
ID of the Customer who subscribes to a Plan.
default_customer_payment_method_id string
Indicates the customer payment method to be used for the subsequent payments.
latest_invoice.id string
ID of the latest Invoice.
latest_invoice.amount integer
Amount of the latest Invoice.
latest_invoice.currency string
Currency of the latest Invoice.
latest_invoice.due_date date
Due date of the latest Invoice. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
latest_invoice.payment_intent.id string
ID of the latest Invoice’s payment intent.
latest_invoice.payment_intent.status string
Status of the latest Invoice’s payment intent. Possible values are awaiting_payment_method, awaiting_next_action, processing, or succeeded.
latest_invoice.status string
Status of the latest Invoice. Possible values are draft, open, paid, or void.
next_billing_schedule date
The date of the next payment. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD
plan object
Plan details of the subscription. See plan attributes
setup_intent.id string
The ID of the payment_intent to be attached to the new payment method when changing the default payment method of the subscription.
setup_intent.last_setup_error string
This parameter specifies the reason for the latest failure that happened on setup intent. This attribute will only appear when status is marked as failed.
setup_intent.next_action_url string
The url for redirecting the customer to the authentication page. This attribute will only appear when status is awaiting_next_action.
setup_intent.status string
The status of setup_intent when changing the default payment method of the subscription
status string
Status of the Subscription. Possible values are incomplete, incomplete_cancelled, active, past_due, unpaid, or cancelled.
cancelled_at timestamp
The date when the Subscription has been canceled.
created_at timestamp
The date when the Subscription has been created.
updated_at timestamp
The date when the Subscription has been updated.