Links Resource

A Link resource represents a one-time use link to receive a payment.

A Link Resource

  "id": "link_wWaibr22CzEnficNhQNPUdoo",
  "type": "link",
  "attributes": {
    "amount": 10000,
    "archived": false,
    "currency": "PHP",
    "description": "some test description",
    "livemode": true,
    "fee": 250,
    "remarks": "",
    "status": "refunded",
    "tax_amount": 4,
    "taxes": [
        "amount": 4,
        "currency": "PHP",
        "inclusive": true,
        "name": "Withholding Tax",
        "type": "withholding_tax",
        "value": "200_bps"
        "amount": 27,
        "currency": "PHP",
        "inclusive": true,
        "name": "VAT",
        "type": "vat",
        "value": "1200_bps"
    "checkout_url": "",
    "reference_number": "WTmSJbV",
    "created_at": 1639670387,
    "updated_at": 1639670387,
    "payments": [
        "data": {
          "id": "pay_wzZcmnYcyLpEkUxNiZFVtm72",
          "type": "payment",
          "attributes": {
            "access_url": null,
            "amount": 10000,
            "balance_transaction_id": "bal_txn_nDsszpf2GW5NVLRyi9rUTYgB",
            "billing": {
              "address": {
                "city": "Taguig",
                "country": "PH",
                "line1": "12th floor The Trade and Financial Tower u1206",
                "line2": "32nd street and 7th Avenue",
                "postal_code": "1630",
                "state": "Bonifacio Global City"
              "email": "aa@aaa.aa",
              "name": "sfadf",
              "phone": "798"
            "currency": "PHP",
            "description": "asdfasf",
            "disputed": false,
            "external_reference_number": "zTiSJnV",
            "fee": 250,
            "livemode": true,
            "net_amount": 9754,
            "origin": "links",
            "payment_intent_id": null,
            "payout": null,
            "source": {
              "id": "src_DUcXJzunPgoxgHAMDWUSzC3c",
              "type": "gcash"
            "statement_descriptor": "The Barkery PH",
            "status": "paid",
            "tax_amount": 4,
            "refunds": [
                "id": "ref_mczRgx2afm6sw3yyvZHc6s4h",
                "type": "refund",
                "attributes": {
                  "amount": 10000,
                  "balance_transaction_id": "bal_txn_SFiZY68LwTKyPC6dLcAKiRUj",
                  "currency": "PHP",
                  "livemode": true,
                  "metadata": null,
                  "notes": null,
                  "payment_id": "pay_wzZcmnYcyLpEkUxNiZFVtm72",
                  "payout_id": null,
                  "reason": "requested_by_customer",
                  "status": "succeeded",
                  "available_at": 1640077200,
                  "created_at": 1639670467,
                  "updated_at": 1639670505
            "taxes": [
                "amount": 4,
                "currency": "PHP",
                "inclusive": true,
                "name": "Withholding Tax",
                "type": "withholding_tax",
                "value": "200_bps"
                "amount": 27,
                "currency": "PHP",
                "inclusive": true,
                "name": "VAT",
                "type": "vat",
                "value": "1200_bps"
            "available_at": 1640077200,
            "created_at": 1639670444,
            "paid_at": 1639670444,
            "updated_at": 1639670444

id string
The unique identifier of the PayMongo link. Prefix is link_ . This is the reference id when doing some actions for a PayMongo link such as retrieval, archive and unarchive.

amount integer
Amount of the link. A positive integer with a minimum amount of 100. 100 is the smallest unit in cents. If you want to create a link with an amount of 1.00, the value that you should pass is 100. If you want to create a link with an amount of 1500.50, the value that you should pass is 150050.

archived boolean
A boolean attribute that determines if the link is already archived (true) or not (false).

currency string
Three-letter ISO currency code, in uppercase. PHP is the only supported currency as of the moment.

description string
A merchant-defined string that normally describes the purpose of the link. The value here comes from the merchant while they are creating a link.

livemode boolean
The value is true if the resource exists in live mode or the value is false if the resource exists in test mode.

fee integer
The total fee of all paid payments received from the PayMongo link. This is a positive integer and in cents.

remarks string
A merchant-defined string that is normally used for internal use. The value is not displayed if a customer accessed the PayMongo link from the browser..

status string
Status of the link. Possible values are unpaid, paid, disputed, refunded. See status table below for further details.

unpaidThis is the initial state of the link. This means that the link hasn't received any payment from the customer.
paidThe link received a payment that matches the total amount of the link.
refundedThe total amount of the link is refunded.
partially_refundedA partial amount of the link is refunded.
disputedThe payment of the link has been disputed.

tax_amount integer
The total tax of the PayMongo link. This is a positive integer and in cents.

taxes array
List of taxes of the PayMongo Link.

checkout_url string
The URL of the PayMongo link that the customer will access to send a payment.

reference_number string
The unique identifier and reference of the link from the URL address bar. Take note that the main identifier for the PayMongo link is id while the reference number is still considered as an identifier from the URL address bar.

reference_number array
The list of payments associated with the PayMongo Link. The list can have either paid or failed payments.

created_at timestamp
The date when the link has been created.

updated_at timestamp
The date when the link has been updated.