Common error codes

Declined transactions

Transactions that are declined by your customer's issuing bank

Sub codeReasonNext action
generic_declineThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.Contact issuer or request a different card or other form of payment.
do_not_honorThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.Contact issuer or request a different card or other form of payment.
payment_refusedThe card has been declined for an unknown reason.Request a different card or other form of payment.
insufficient_fundsThe card has insufficient funds to complete the purchase.Request a different card or other form of payment.
debit_card_usage_limit_exceededThe debit card's use frequency or maximum amount per use has been exceeded.Request a different card or other form of payment.
issuer_declinedThe card has been declined by the issuer for an unknown reason.The card has been declined by the issuing bank. Please contact them for more information.
issuer_not_availableThe card issuer could not be reached, so the payment could not be authorized.Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
amount_allowed_exceededThe payment amount is invalid, or exceeds the amount that is allowed.If the amount appears to be correct, the customer needs to check with their card issuer that they can make purchases of that amount.
call_card_issuerUnable to process payment. Please contact your card issuer for more details.The card has been declined by the issuing bank. Please contact them for more information.
card_not_supportedThe card does not support this type of purchase.The customer needs to contact their card issuer to make sure their card can be used to make this type of purchase.
card_type_mismatchThe card type is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.Confirm that the card type correlates with the credit card number specified in the request, then resend the request.
card_unauthorizedThe card is inactive or not authorized for card-not-present transactions.The customer needs to contact their card issuer for more information or Request a different card or other form of payment.
credit_limit_exceededThe card has reached the credit limit.Request a different card or other form of payment.
currency_not_supported_by_card_issuerThe card does not support the specified currency.The customer needs to check with the issuer whether the card can be used for the type of currency specified.

Blocked transactions

Transactions blocked by our Fraud and Risk Engine, the payment processor or your customer's issuing bank

Sub codeReasonNext action
fraudulentThe payment has been declined as it is suspected to be fraudulent.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
highest_risk_levelThe payment has been declined as it is suspected to be high risk of being fraudulent.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
lost_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported lost.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
pickup_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported lost or stolen.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
processor_blockedThe payment has been blocked as it is suspected to be fraudulent.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
restricted_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported lost or stolen.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
stolen_cardThe payment has been declined because the card is reported stolen.We highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.
blockedThe payment has been blocked by our Fraud and Risk EngineWe highly recommend to NOT expose the code and detail of this sub code to your customers. Instead, inform them as you would with a generic decline error.

Processor issued errors

Error sub codeReasonNext action
avs_failedThe processor declined the payment because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check.You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud.
card_not_acceptedThe card type is not accepted by the payment processor.Contact your merchant bank to confirm that your account is set up to receive the card in question.
config_invalid_or_missingInvalid or missing merchant configuration.The transaction failed due to unknown reason. Kindly email us at
customer_blacklistedThe eCheck payment has been declined since the account matched an entry on the processor’s negative file.Review the order and contact the payment processor.
merchant_configuration_invalidThere is a problem with your CyberSource merchant configuration.Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct the configuration problem.
processing_errorThe processing of the card failed due to unknown reason.Wait a few minutes and resend the request.
processor_declinedThe payment processor declined the transaction for an unknown reason.Request a different card or other form of payment.
processor_timeoutThe request was received, but there was a timeout at the payment processor.The transaction failed due to unknown reason. Kindly email us at
system_errorThere’s a problem with the payment processor’s system. Please try again later.The transaction failed due to unknown reason. Kindly email us at

Unknown errors

Error sub codeReasonNext action
server_timeoutThe request was received but there was a server timeout.The transaction failed due to an unknown reason. Kindly email us at
service_timeoutThe request was received, but a service did not finish running in time.The transaction failed due to an unknown reason. Kindly email us at
unknown_errorThe transaction failed due to an unknown reason.The transaction failed due to an unknown reason. Kindly email us at

Invalid card details

Error sub codeReasonNext action
card_number_invalidThe card number entered is invalidThe card transaction failed due to incorrect details. Please verify your information and try again.
card_type_mismatchThe card type is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.Confirm that the card type correlates with the credit card number specified in the request, then resend the request.
cvc_invalidThe card verification code (CVC) is invalid.Try again using the correct CVC or Request a different card or other form of payment.
cvc_incorrectThe card verification number (CVN) did not match.The authorization request was approved by the card issuer but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the card verification number (CVN) check.You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud.