How not to react when you encounter an error

PayMongo API is RESTful and uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests. The table below will help you identify the meaning and the implication of error responses. As a general rule of thumb: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate a failure from the given information (e.g. missing API keys, invalid parameters, failed transaction, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range mean that there's an unexpected error on the PayMongo servers. These shouldn't happen, but when they do, please inform us right away.

HTTP Status Codes

200 OK
Retrieving, creating, updating, deleting a resource use 200 HTTP code. We do not use 201 or 204 for create or update operations.

400 Bad Request
The request was not understood, often caused by missing parameters, invalid payload format, validation or processing errors.

401 Unauthorized
You are not authenticated. Either the PayMongo API key is not passed or invalid.

403 Forbidden
You are authenticated but access to the resource is not allowed.

404 Not Found
The requested resource or the API endpoint does not exist.

500 Internal Server Error
Something went wrong on PayMongo's end. (Trust us, these are rare.)

Error Response

A standard JSON error response is returned whenever an issue is encountered:

    "errors": [
            "code": "parameter_format_invalid",
            "detail": "details.card_number format is invalid.",
            "source": {
                "pointer": "details.card_number",
                "attribute": "card_number"

Errors are also returned concurrently if multiple issues are experienced. This happens most of the time when multiple field validations are violated:

    "errors": [
            "code": "parameter_data_type_invalid",
            "detail": "cvc should be a string.",
            "source": {
                "pointer": "cvc",
                "attribute": "cvc"
            "code": "parameter_invalid",
            "detail": "The card is already expired.",
            "source": {
                "pointer": "exp_month",
                "attribute": "exp_month"
            "code": "parameter_format_invalid",
            "detail": "number format is invalid.",
            "source": {
                "pointer": "number",
                "attribute": "number"

code string
A string representation of a single error. This can be used as a reference in conditional statements if you prefer to use your own error message instead of using the detail error attribute.

detail string
A developer-friendly error message of a single error. This can also be used as an error message to inform your end users of the issue that they encountered. However, if you feel that the detail does not match your needs, you can utilize the code attribute to provide a more suitable, custom error message.

source dictionary
This attribute exists If the error originated from the JSON payload. If the error is related to the query parameter, for example the :id parameter when retrieving a certain resource, this attribute is not returned.

pointer stringIf the payload attribute is nested, it is represented with a dot .. For example, source pointer details.card_number is based on this payload:

json { "data": { "attributes": { "details": { "card_number": "abc" } } } }
attribute stringIf the payload attribute is nested but you are not interested with its position on the payload, you may just refer to the source.attribute instead.

Rate Limiting

A rate limit is the number of API calls an app or user can make within a time period. We hard enforce our rate limit as follows:

  1. Users retrying a 401 error 10 times within 60 seconds will be blocked from the API for 30 days
  2. Users can retry a 404 error up to 30 times per 60 seconds

Users who meet the conditions above will receive the error: too_many_requests. If this happens, kindly contact developers@paymongo.com.