QR Ph errors

What are the errors associated with QR Ph?

General Payment Errors

Error CodeError MessageNext Action
RJCTunknown_processing_errorThe transaction failed due to an unknown error. Kindly email us at support@paymongo.com

Create Payment Intent API Errors

Error CodeDefinition / Error MessageStatus CodeNext Action
parameter_invalidThe value passed does not exist from the allowed (specific) values.

e.g. the country code passed XY is not a valid country value or a value other than PHP for currency is passed.
400Double check that the correct value is passed for the parameter.
parameter_data_type_invalidThe value passed does not match the attribute’s data type (e.g. passing a string for an integer attribute).400Double check that the correct value is passed for the parameter.
parameter_format_invalidThe value passed does not meet the required format or input type/s of the attribute.400Double check that the correct value is passed for the parameter.
parameter_requiredNo value is passed for the required attribute

" is required."
ex. “amount is required.”
400Pass a correct value for the required attribute.
parameter_below_minimumThe value passed is less than the minimum value required by the attribute.

"The minimum value for the amount is 2000."(Php 20.00 in cents format)
400Pass a value higher than the minimum amount.
parameter_above_maximumThe value passed exceeds the maximum value accepted by the attribute.

"The maximum value for the amount cannot be greater than 999999999."
(Php 9,999,999.99 in cents format)
400Pass a value lower than the maximum amount.
organization_not_allowedAccount is not allowed to perform the specific request.400Reach out to support@paymongo.com

Create Payment Method API Errors

Error CodeDescription / Error MessageStatus CodeNext Action
parameter_invalidThe value passed does not exist from the allowed (specific) values.

e.g. payment method ABCD value passed is not among the list of supported payment methods.
400Double check that the correct value is passed for the parameter.
parameter_format_invalidThe value passed does not meet the attribute's required format or input type/s.400Double check that the correct value is passed for the parameter.
payment_method_not_allowedqrph payment method is not allowed400PayMongo account is not allowed for QR Ph. Try a different payment method.
invalid_payload_formatThe values passed for the required attributes are blank.400Double check payload, make sure required attributes are passed correctly.

Attach Payment Method to Payment Intent API Errors

Error CodeDescription / Error MessageStatus CodeNext Action
invalid_payload_formatThe values passed for the required attributes are blank.400Double check payload, make sure required attributes are passed correctly.
parameter_attached_statePayment method with id #{@payment_method.id} cannot be re-attached.400Try again with a new payment method resource.
parameter_invalidPayment method is not allowed for the payment intent.

"Payment method #{@payment_method.id} is not allowed for payment intent #{@payment_intent.id}"
400Double check payment intent and payment method details.
resource_processing_errorIt's possible that your PayMongo account is not activated for QR Ph

"Something went wrong on our end. We have been notified and will be investigating. Trust us, these are rare."
500Kindly email us at support@paymongo.com.
resource_not_foundNo such payment intent with id #{@payment_intent_id}.

No such payment method with id #{@payment_method_id}.

Organization with id #{@organization.id} has no balance.
400Double check payment intent and payment method details.
resource_succeeded_statePayment intent status is already marked as succeeded

"Payment intent with id #{@payment_intent.id} has already succeeded."
400Re-attach a new payment intent.
livemode_mismatchedPayment intent with id #{@payment_intent.id} must be in #{mode} mode.

Payment method with id #{@payment_method.id} must be in #{mode} mode.
400Double check that both payment intent and payment method are using the same mode.
account_not_activatedPlease activate your account first in order to access this resource400Make sure your PayMongo account is activated.
payment_method_not_allowedQR Ph payment method is not allowed400Make sure your PayMongo is configured to use the QRPH payment method. You may request for configuration on the dashboard or by reaching out to support@paymongo.com.

Retrieve Payment Intent API Errors

Error CodeDescription / Error MessageStatus CodeNext Action
resource_not_foundNo such payment intent with id @{payment_intent_id}.404Double check Payment Intent ID details and try again.

Double check if the API keys being used are correct

API Authentication / General Errors

Error CodeDescription / Error MessageStatus CodeNext Action
api_key_requiredThe API key is not passed during authentication401Go to https://developers.paymongo.com/docs/authentication to know more about our API authentication.
authentication_invalidThe API request did not implement Basic Authentication.401You need to use basic authentication to proceed.  

Go to https://developers.paymongo.com/docs/authentication to know more about our API authentication.
api_key_not_foundThe API key does not exist.401Double check API keys

Go to https://developers.paymongo.com/docs/authentication to know more about our API authentication.
secret_key_requiredThe resource being accessed requires a secret key for authentication.401Please use your secret key to access this resource.

Go to https://developers.paymongo.com/docs/authentication to know more about our API authentication.
account_not_activatedPlease activate your account first in order to access this resource.401Complete the onboarding and activation process on the PayMongo dashboard.