Subscriptions Test Cases

These detailed test cases can be used to check your Subscriptions card integration with PayMongo. This step is optional, but we highly recommend running these cases. These test cases were developed along with our internal QA team to account for every possible flow through the system.

Recommended Test Cases

Card NumberStepsExpected Response
41200000000000071. Upon attachment, the Payment Intent status is set to awaiting_next_action, and a redirect URL is returned.

2. Open the redirect URL and select Authorize Test Payment to proceed with the authorization and automatic capture. An Authentication Complete message is returned on the webpage.

3. After successful authorization, Payment Intent status value should become succeeded.

4. Upon getting the subscription’s details, it should now be active.
Successful subscription activation

Payment intent status value should be succeeded.

A Payment object with a paid status is attached to the Payment Intent (in the Payments array section of the Payment Intent object).

Subscription status is active.
52340000000001061. Upon attachment, the Payment Intent status is set to awaiting_next_action, and a redirect URL is returned.

2. Open the redirect URL and select Fail Test Payment to proceed with authorization and automatic capture. An Authentication failed or canceled message is returned on the webpage.

3. After failed authorization, Payment Intent status value should be awaiting_payment_method.

4. Upon getting the subscription’s details, it should be incomplete.
Failed payment for subscription activation

Payment intent status value should be awaiting_payment_method.

A Payment object with a failed status is attached to the Payment Intent (in the Payments array section of the Payment Intent object).

Subscription status is incomplete.

After 24 hours, the Subscription status will update to incomplete_cancelled.
51230000000000011. Upon attachment, the Payment Intent status is set to awaiting_next_action, and a redirect URL is returned.

2. Open the redirect URL and select Authorize Test Payment to proceed with the authorization and automatic capture. An Authentication Complete message is returned on the webpage.

3. After successful authorization, Payment Intent status value should become succeeded.

4. Upon getting the subscription’s details, status is now active.

5. Simulate recurring payment for the subscription. The next payment cycle should now fail.
Successful subscription activation but failed recurring payment

Activation phase:
Payment intent status value should be succeeded

A Payment object with a paid status is attached to the Payment Intent (in the Payments array section of the Payment Intent object).

Subscription status is now active.

Recurring payment phase:
Subscription status is now past_due with the invoice set to open.

Status of payment intent associated with the invoice is awaiting_payment_method.

After 3 automatic attempts, the Subscription status will update to unpaid.