Direct Online Banking Test Cases

These detailed test cases can be used to check your wallet integration with PayMongo. This step is optional but we highly recommend running these cases. These test cases were developed along with our internal QA team to account for every possible flow through the system.


Additional Reminders


OTPScenarioExpected Response
111111Successful OTPSuccess screen displayed.

222222Transaction FailedError message:
Transaction failed
333333OTP Request FailedError message:
OTP request failed
444444OTP Verification FailedError message:
OTP verification failed
000000Invalid OTPError message:
Invalid OTP
555555NC Scenario (Paid)Error message:
Network Issues
Transaction has encountered a network issue
666666NC Scenario (Failed)Error message:
Network Issues
Transaction has encountered a network issue



Additional Pre-requisites

  • For those testing via our Payment Intent Workflow, after the attachment step and redirection to the provided "redirect_url", account ******0001 has to be selected
  • Additionally, to reach the OTP page, you will need to click on "Pay"
OTPScenarioExpected Response
123456Successful OTPSuccess screen displayed.

654321Incorrect OTPYou have entered an invalid One-Time PIN. Please try again

111111Attempt exceeded OTPError message:

OTP processing issue

Your One-Time PIN has been suspended after 3 invalid attempts.

Please try again after 10 minutes
000000Expired OTPError message:
Your One-Time PIN expired. Please try again

Sample OTP Page

Note: The OTP scenarios can be seen once the 'i' tooltip is hovered over by your cursor.