Treasury API Error Codes (InstaPay/PesoNet)
What are the errors related to the Treasury API?
PesoNet and InstaPay Error Codes
ISO 20022 Status codes implemented by both Pesonet and Instapay.
Error Code | Code Explanation |
AB01 | AbortedClearingTimeout |
AB02 | AbortedClearingFatalError |
AB03 | AbortedSettlementTimeout |
AB04 | AbortedSettlementFatalError |
AB05 | TimeoutCreditorAgent |
AB06 | TimeoutInstructedAgent |
AB07 | OfflineAgent |
AB08 | OfflineCreditorAgent |
AB09 | ErrorCreditorAgent |
AB10 | ErrorInstructedAgent |
AC01 | IncorrectAccountNumber |
AC02 | InvalidDebtorAccountNumber |
AC03 | InvalidCreditorAccountNumber |
AC04 | ClosedAccountNumber |
AC05 | ClosedDebtorAccountNumber |
AC06 | BlockedAccount |
AC07 | ClosedCreditorAccountNumber |
AC08 | InvalidBranchCode |
AC09 | InvalidAccountCurrency |
AC10 | InvalidDebtorAccountCurrency |
AC11 | InvalidCreditorAccountCurrency |
AC12 | InvalidAccountType |
AC13 | InvalidDebtorAccountType |
AC14 | InvalidCreditorAccountType |
AC15 | AccountDetailsChanged |
AG01 | TransactionForbidden |
AG02 | InvalidBankOperationCode |
AG03 | TransactionNotSupported |
AG04 | InvalidAgentCountry |
AG05 | InvalidDebtorAgentCountry |
AG06 | InvalidCreditorAgentCountry |
AG07 | UnsuccesfulDirectDebit |
AG08 | InvalidAccessRights |
AG09 | PaymentNotReceived |
AG10 | AgentSuspended |
AG11 | CreditorAgentSuspended |
AGNT | IncorrectAgent |
AM01 | ZeroAmount |
AM02 | NotAllowedAmount |
AM03 | NotAllowedCurrency |
AM04 | InsufficientFunds |
AM05 | Duplication |
AM06 | TooLowAmount |
AM07 | BlockedAmount |
AM09 | WrongAmount |
AM10 | InvalidControlSum |
AM11 | InvalidTransactionCurrency |
AM12 | InvalidAmount |
AM13 | AmountExceedsClearingSystemLimit |
AM14 | AmountExceedsAgreedLimit |
AM15 | AmountBelowClearingSystemMinimum |
AM16 | InvalidGroupControlSum |
AM17 | InvalidPaymentInfoControlSum |
AM18 | InvalidNumberOfTransactions |
AM19 | InvalidGroupNumberOfTransactions |
AM20 | InvalidPaymentInfoNumberOfTransactions |
AM21 | LimitExceeded |
AM22 | ZeroAmountNotApplied |
AM23 | AmountExceedsSettlementLimit |
BE01 | InconsistenWithEndCustomer |
BE04 | MissingCreditorAddress |
BE05 | UnrecognisedInitiatingParty |
BE06 | UnknownEndCustomer |
BE07 | MissingDebtorAddress |
BE08 | MissingDebtorName |
BE09 | InvalidCountry |
BE10 | InvalidDebtorCountry |
BE11 | InvalidCreditorCountry |
BE12 | InvalidCountryOfResidence |
BE13 | InvalidDebtorCountryOfResidence |
BE14 | InvalidCreditorCountryOfResidence |
BE15 | InvalidIdentificationCode |
BE16 | InvalidDebtorIdentificationCode |
BE17 | InvalidCreditorIdentificationCode |
BE18 | InvalidContactDetails |
BE19 | InvalidChargeBearerCode |
BE20 | InvalidNameLength |
BE21 | MissingName |
BE22 | MissingCreditorName |
CERI | CheckERI |
CH03 | RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInFuture |
CH04 | RequestedExecutionDateOrRequestedCollectionDateTooFarInPast |
CH07 | ElementIsNotToBeUsedAtB-andC-Level |
CH09 | MandateChangesNotAllowed |
CH10 | InformationOnMandateChangesMissing |
CH11 | CreditorIdentifierIncorrect |
CH12 | CreditorIdentifierNotUnambiguouslyAtTransaction-Level |
CH13 | OriginalDebtorAccountIsNotToBeUsed |
CH14 | OriginalDebtorAgentIsNotToBeUsed |
CH15 | ElementContentIncludesMoreThan140Characters |
CH16 | ElementContentFormallyIncorrect |
CH17 | ElementNotAdmitted |
CH19 | ValuesWillBeSetToNextTARGETday |
CH20 | DecimalPointsNotCompatibleWithCurrency |
CH21 | RequiredCompulsoryElementMissing |
CH22 | COREandB2BwithinOnemessage |
CNOR | Creditor bank is not registered |
CURR | IncorrectCurrency |
CUST | RequestedByCustomer |
DNOR | Debtor bank is not registered |
DS01 | ElectronicSignaturesCorrect |
DS02 | OrderCancelled |
DS03 | OrderNotCancelled |
DS04 | OrderRejected |
DS05 | OrderForwardedForPostprocessing |
DS06 | TransferOrder |
DS07 | ProcessingOK |
DS08 | DecompressionError |
DS09 | DecryptionError |
DS0A | DataSignRequested |
DS0B | UnknownDataSignFormat |
DS0C | SignerCertificateRevoked |
DS0D | SignerCertificateNotValid |
DS0E | IncorrectSignerCertificate |
DS0F | SignerCertificationAuthoritySignerNotValid |
DS0G | NotAllowedPayment |
DS0H | NotAllowedAccount |
DS0K | NotAllowedNumberOfTransaction |
DS10 | Signer1CertificateRevoked |
DS11 | Signer1CertificateNotValid |
DS12 | IncorrectSigner1Certificate |
DS13 | SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner1NotValid |
DS14 | UserDoesNotExist |
DS15 | IdenticalSignatureFound |
DS16 | PublicKeyVersionIncorrect |
DS17 | DifferentOrderDataInSignatures |
DS18 | RepeatOrder |
DS19 | ElectronicSignatureRightsInsufficient |
DS20 | Signer2CertificateRevoked |
DS21 | Signer2CertificateNotValid |
DS22 | IncorrectSigner2Certificate |
DS23 | SignerCertificationAuthoritySigner2NotValid |
DS24 | WaitingTimeExpired |
DS25 | OrderFileDeleted |
DS26 | UserSignedMultipleTimes |
DS27 | UserNotYetActivated |
DT01 | InvalidDate |
DT02 | InvalidCreationDate |
DT03 | InvalidNonProcessingDate |
DT04 | FutureDateNotSupported |
DT05 | InvalidCutOffDate |
DT06 | ExecutionDateChanged |
DU01 | DuplicateMessageID |
DU02 | DuplicatePaymentInformationID |
DU03 | DuplicateTransaction |
DU04 | DuplicateEndToEndID |
DU05 | DuplicateInstructionID |
DUPL | DuplicatePayment |
ED01 | CorrespondentBankNotPossible |
ED03 | BalanceInfoRequest |
ED05 | SettlementFailed |
ED06 | SettlementSystemNotAvailable |
ERIN | ERIOptionNotSupported |
FF01 | Invalid File Format |
FF02 | SyntaxError |
FF03 | InvalidPaymentTypeInformation |
FF04 | InvalidServiceLevelCode |
FF05 | InvalidLocalInstrumentCode |
FF06 | InvalidCategoryPurposeCode |
FF07 | InvalidPurpose |
FF08 | InvalidEndToEndId |
FF09 | InvalidChequeNumber |
FF10 | BankSystemProcessingError |
FF11 | ClearingRequestAborted |
G000 | Payment transferred and not tracked |
G001 | CreditDebitNotConfirmed |
G002 | CreditDebitNotConfirmed |
G003 | CreditPendingDocuments |
G004 | CreditPendingFunds |
G005 | DeliveredWithServiceLevel |
G006 | DeliveredWIthoutServiceLevel |
ID01 | CorrespondingOriginalFileStillNotSent |
MD01 | NoMandate |
MD02 | MissingMandatoryInformationIn Mandate |
MD05 | CollectionNotDue |
MD06 | RefundRequestByEndCustomer |
MD07 | EndCustomerDeceased |
MS02 | NotSpecifiedReasonCustomer Generated |
MS03 | NotSpecifiedReasonAgent Generated |
NARR | Narrative NERI NoERI |
RC01 | BankIdentifierIncorrect |
RC02 | InvalidBankIdentifier |
RC03 | InvalidDebtorBankIdentifier |
RC04 | InvalidCreditorBankIdentifier |
RC05 | InvalidBICIdentifier |
RC06 | InvalidDebtorBICIdentifier |
RC07 | InvalidCreditorBICIdentifier |
RC08 | InvalidClearingSystemMemberIdentifier |
RC09 | InvalidDebtorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier |
RC10 | InvalidCreditorClearingSystemMemberIdentifier |
RC11 | InvalidIntermediaryAgent |
RC12 | MissingCreditorSchemeId |
RCON | R-MessageConflict |
RF01 | NotUniqueTransactionReference |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account or Identification |
RR02 | Missing Debtor Name or Address |
RR03 | Missing Creditor Name or Address |
RR04 | RegulatoryReason |
RR05 | RegulatoryInformationInvalid |
RR06 | TaxInformationInvalid |
RR07 | RemittanceInformationInvalid |
RR08 | RemittanceInformationTruncated |
RR09 | InvalidStructuredCreditorReference |
RR10 | InvalidCharacterSet |
RR11 | InvalidDebtorAgentServiceID |
RR12 | InvalidPartyID |
S000 | ValidRequestForCancellationAcknowledged |
S001 | UETRFlaggedForCancellation |
S002 | NetworkStopOfUETR |
S003 | RequestForCanacellationForwarded |
S004 | RequestForCancellationDeliveryAcknowledgement |
SL01 | Specific Service offered by Debtor Agent |
SL02 | Specific Service offered by Creditor Agent |
SL11 | Creditor not on Whitelist of Debtor |
SL12 | Creditor on Blacklist of Debtor |
SL13 | Maximum number of Direct Debit Transactions exceeded |
SL14 | Maximum Direct Debit Transaction Amount exceeded |
TA01 | TransmissonAborted |
TD01 | NoDataAvailable |
TD02 | FileNonReadable |
TD03 | IncorrectFileStructure |
TM01 | InvalidCutOffTime |
TS01 | TransmissionSuccessful |
TS04 | TransferToSignByHand |
Error Codes Unique to InstaPay
The table of codes stated below are error codes that are only applicable to InstaPay.
Error Code | Code Explanation |
9909 | IPS Switch system malfunction |
9910 | Receiving Bank - Logged Off |
9912 | Rvc Participant not available |
9920 | Interbank Fee Code invalid |
9921 | Application Criteria is invalid |
9922 | Type of Person is invalid |
9923 | Rate Debit Concept is not numeric |
9924 | Invalid Asset Indicator |
9925 | Invalid Month of Payment |
9926 | Month/Year of Payment is not numeric |
9934 | Sending Participant offline |
9946 | Sending Participant fully suspended |
9947 | Receiving Participant fully suspended |
9948 | Service suspended |
9964 | Invalid Bank Identification |
NOAT | Message Type not supported |
Updated 4 months ago